Using flickr is a way of organising photos to share with people who are living away from you. People often upload photos of holidays, and family events to share with others. This is a picture taken on my last visit to Brisbane.
Students use images when they write reports and assignments. It part of the requirements in most assessment that pictures and images be part of the presented work. Flicker is a tool that students can use sucessfully to find images that are suitable for most work they do.
Therefore, it is important to remember to be conscious about copyright. Flickr has presented Creative Commons which is a non-profit alternative to full copyright. They have defined different types to cater for peoples' individual needs.
Therefore, it is important to remember to be conscious about copyright. Flickr has presented Creative Commons which is a non-profit alternative to full copyright. They have defined different types to cater for peoples' individual needs.
Attribution: Others can copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work, but they must give you credit.
Non commercial: Others use your work but only for non commercial purposes.
Non Derivative Works: Others use only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.
Share alike: You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license identical to the license that govern your work.
Hello Karen,
ReplyDeleteImages are useful resources to use in any types of learning. I agree with you. We have to be aware of copyright on each image. In classrooms, when students would like to use photos from the web, the teacher also has to be careful about the use of photos gained from the web and it connects to safety use of photos as well.
Hi Sayoko,
ReplyDeleteAs they say "a picture says a thousand words", therefore they are very good for explaining topics and engaging students. As you will appreciate schools have policies to monitor the copyright and use of images in assingments, and I agree it is the place of the learning manager to reinforce these practices in lessons to teach students the importance of referencing and plagarism.