The emergence of virtual worlds is viewed as a teaching strategy in terms of social practices, subjectivity and identity for students. Marsh (2009) reports that studies identified that children gained a range of benefits through the use of technologies for example technical and operation skills, knowledge and understanding of the world and subject specific knowledge in areas such as literacy and mathematics. Through the engagement in virtual worlds there are rules to follow and lessons about internet safety and chatting on line for young gamers. A popular one is Club Penguin for young children (Marsh, 2009).
Marsh, J. (2009). Young children’s play in online virtual worlds. Journal of early childhood research. Vol 8(1) 2339 [ISSN 1476-718X DOI:10.1177/1476718X09345406] Retrieved from http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav
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