Friday, August 13, 2010

Safety online

Schools develop procedures and guidelines for working safely online. Students learn skills and develop sensible attitudes to working on the computers. These safety measures are addressed in the Learning Essentials expectations of ICT usage. Students understand the role of some ICTs in society. They develop and apply ethical, safe and responsible practices when working with ICTs in online and stand-alone environments. Students need to apply codes and practices for secure use of ICTs. Students learn about plagiarism and digital theft and apply correct protocols when using digital information sources. Students are required to use appropriate networks, personal systems and device information. Students develop skills for leaning new ICT operations and consider different ways to perfom tasks that are appropriate.
Students are requried to sign a consent form indicating the departments use of copyright material, image, recording, names or personal information.
The department follow the guidelines set out in the National Copyright Guidelines .
The systems within schools have dangerous or intrusive sites blocked allowing no student contact with them.

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