Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It is great to note that our school has an assignment where the students have to create a podcast for Modern History. Why not teach students with equipment they are already familiar with like ipods and mp3 players. Podcasts are useful tools for students who need auditory information to help inform learning. Podcasts can be used to self guide students through a process independently. Langwitches (2009) says that students can make learning gains in collaboration, writing, speaking, presentation, communication, oral fluency, auditory, digital storytelling and media literacy through using and making podcasts. Students are able to research information and make their own podcast, placing it on their ipod. Excellent work can be shared on the internet. Students work collaboratively or individually. Interviews may be recorded for authentic situations. There is no need for paper the concept is discussion and recording. It has multimedia aspects where students can embed slide shows, URL, hyperlinks and book marks. another use is to record class lessons and add to power point to make a succinct lesson outline. Using this equipment is handsfree, informative, portable and engaging.

Connectivism is closely linked to the digital age where people can use differnet tools to communicate their information. These learning tools are constantly being invented and offer new ways to communicate with others (Siemens, 2006).

Here is an example of a podcast.


Oblinger, D. J. (2006). Podcasting in the classroom:EDUCAUSE pocket education #3.
Siemens. G. (2006). Connectivism: Learning and knowledge today. Retrieved from

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