Saturday, July 17, 2010

Let's Look at Weebly

link to my weebly
An advantage about a website for a class learning experience is that it can loaded with the information about the topic and the students can not change the contents. It means the teacher is in control of the page and its contents. In some cases this is very useful. Students are able to view the page at anytime day or night to investigate, research, read or show their parents. It could be a informative tool to connect home and school. Parents could participate in the learning with their children and know/learn what the topic is about. While the students are connected to the internet and engaged in the topic, incidental learning is a bonus as they search other sites to investigate the topic more. As Kearley and Shneiderman (1998) expressed through the engagement theory that students may use this experience with an authentic focus.
A disadvantage is that students need to remain focussed an not be distracted by other sites on the computer that would lead them away from the task at hand.
Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework fro technology-based teaching and learning.

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