Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blogging in the classroom

Blogging in the classroom is a useful tool as students learn to write on a daily basis. Students can communicate with other people that are not necessarily part of the class. This may be interesting to students who do not communicate comfortably in a verbal way.
Downes (2004) suggests that blogs in the classroom could be used for communications between administration, teachers, students and parents. Blogs are very easy for teachers to post resources, lessons, homework and to summerise readings and class notes. Teachers are able to share ideas and resources with other educators. Students can use blogs to share school work and homework with others. Blogs may be used by students to keep a journal of the events through the year.
With only a title line and entry blogging is simple to do. The entries are archived and dated automatically.
Serious problems with blogging are copyright breaches and libellous content. As with all things new, Downes (2004) sees the need that teaching the rules and how to use blogs correctly is important.
Another strategy that needs to be taught is how to read blogs effectively so the students can contribute meaningfully to the blog site. Allowing students to participate in blogging incorporates the Essential Learnings through reflecting, criticizing, questioning and responding to culture, community and all types of ideas.
To make blogging a winner, first you must embrace it.

Downes, S. (2004). Educational Blogging.


  1. Hey Karen,

    I agree that this is a very important point. Giving students who don't confidently interact in the classroom setting an opportunity to interact with thier peers is a vital part of ensuring students feel confortable and participate in their learning.

    Jared Thomsen

  2. Hello Karen,
    I also think blog gives opportunities for students to share ideas with teachers easily because of its easy function to contain many different materials from sound effect to videos. It also enhance students' learning engagement to keep on writing as a personal journal.

  3. Hi Jared and Sayoko,
    I agree with both your comments on allowing students to be able to converse with teachers about issues they may not normally confront. If students were able to keep a journal of this type at school they would be able to add more images and videos that describe events and places. This would be very expressive and an easy way to share information. Teachers would learn a lot more about the students they are teaching and it might answer some of the questions that need asking when students are not participating in class as they normally would.
